opening times

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Safe the date(s)

This year, due to health, personal, and staffing reasons, we will not be able to open our

"café and Strausswirtschaft"

as we have in previous years.

However, in order to not completely break with tradition, we would like to offer you the following small events (with self-service) and would appreciate your support.

Sonntag       30.6.     14.30-18.30                „Kaffee und Kuchen „
Samstag      13.7.     16.30-21.30               „Apfelwein und mehr“
Sonntag       14.7.     14.30-18.30                „Kaffee und Kuchen „
Samstag      27.7.     16.30-21.30               „Apfelwein und mehr“
Samstag      10.8.     16.30-21.30               „Apfelwein und mehr“
Sonntag       11.8.     14.30-18.30                „Kaffee und Kuchen „
Samstag      24.8.     16.30-21.30               „Apfelwein und mehr“
Sonntag       25.8.     14.30-18.30                „Kaffee und Kuchen „

In the afternoons, "Kaffee und Kuchen"there will be additional beverages available.
In the evenings, "Apfelwein und mehr" we offer our homemade apple wine and various drinks, as well as a little something to eat and snacks.
We do not take reservations.
Looking forward to your visit!

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